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    2013-9-2 09:06
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    发表于 2014-8-11 13:21:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    ATEVK525开发板是一个针对Atmel STK525 AVR USB入门套件的开发工具,此开发板套件在Atmel数据存储器上提供初始的大容量存储空间。此开发套件是针对AVR AT90USBxxx处理器设计,当然,也可以支持其他硬件平台。ATEVK525开发板可以给设计者开发评估提供额外的大容量存储空间,它包含一个256MB NAND存储器。It also has a receptacle for SD/MMC cards. This board is designed to allow an easy evaluation of USB mass storage using demonstration software. The ATEVK525 board has been designed to be plugged into the Atmel STK525 starter kit board in order to add mass storage capability to an existing development board, and to combine them with other features (USB, RS232, Microphone..., but also all AVR development tools), reducing the extension board complexity and cost.NAND flash chip soldered (Micron MT29F2G08AACWP, 256MB)Reserved location additional NAND flash chips module plug-inReceptacle for SD and MMC memory cardsLED signalling for read/write operationsAdditional overvoltage protection circuitry (optional) with failure indicatorNumerous access points for debug消费电子产品

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