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发表于 2015-9-17 14:01:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Nordic半导体nRF51822蓝牙智能信号套件是一款参考设计,可以让你探索全方位发展的可能性,采用蓝牙智能技术的信标。它包含硬件,固件和为iOS和Android应用程序上的蓝牙4.0功能的智能手机。它是超小型在直径20毫米,并且可以从CR1632纽扣电池运行。套件有两个按钮,可以设定为使能模式和/或功能之间容易切换,以及一个RGB LED可被配置为指示不同的事件。Features
  • Multi-protocol 2.4GHz radio       
  • 32-bit ARM Cortex M0 processor       
  • 256/128kB flash + 16kB RAM       
  • Software stacks available as downloads       
  • Pin compatible with other nRF51xxx series devices       
  • Application development independent from protocol stack       
  • Fully on-air compatible with nRF24L-series       
  • Programmable output power from +4dBm to -20dBm       
  • RSSI       
  • RAM mapped FIFOs using EasyDMA       
  • Dynamic on air payload length up to 256 Bytes       
  • Flexible and configurable 31 pin GPIO       
  • Programmable Peripheral Interface - PPI       
  • Simple ON/OFF global power modes       
  • Full set of digital interfaces including: SPI/2-wire/UART       
  • 10-bit ADC       
  • 128-bit AES ECB/CCM/AAR co-processor       
  • Quadrature demodulator       
  • Low cost external crystal 16MHz ± 40ppm       
  • Low power 16MHz crystal and RC oscillators       
  • Ultra low-power 32kHz crystal and RC oscillators       
  • Wide supply voltage range (1.8 V to 3.6 V)       
  • On-chip DC/DC buck converter       
  • Individual power management for all peripherals       
  • Package options: 48-pin 6x6 QFN/WL-CSP

nRF51822 Datasheet.pdf

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