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F1 LV Evaluation Platform

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    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-8-7 09:10:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    F1 LV Evaluation Platform是针对增强型PIC微控制器PIC12F1xxx/PIC16F1xxx系列的开发平台。套件包括F1 LV评估板、说明文档、源码以及原理图。The F1 Low Voltage Evaluation Platform is a development tool for Enhanced Mid-range PIC microcontrollers (PIC12F1xxx/PIC16F1xxx). Populated with a PIC16LF1947, featuring XLP technology & MCP1624 for low voltage single cell battery support, this provides a platform for general purpose & low voltage development and gives you the ability to develop code for any PIC12F1xxx/PIC16F1xxx microcontroller. Quick & easy development is ensured with the integrated functionality including: prototyping area, LCD control, system current monitoring, temperature sensing, Real-Time-Clock, LED drive, button control, USB interface, various power sources, and BLDC/BDC/Unipolar/Bipolar motor control.Features:
    • 64-pin development board with generous prototyping area       
    • Populated with a PIC16LF1947 featuring nanoWatt XLP technology       
    • MCP9800 temperature sensor       
    • MCP1624 low voltage boost       
    • MCP2200 USB to UART converter       
    • 3 Volt, 40 segment multimeter LCD glass       
    • USB to serial interace with mini-B USB connector       
    • Potentiometer       
    • Mechanical buttons       
    • 32kHz low power crystal       
    • LEDs       
    • Current monitoring connector to measure low power XLP capabilities       
    • In Circuit Serial Programming Interface for PICkit3       
    • PICkit serial interface       
    • Expansion header for the F1 BLDC/BDC/Unipolar/Bipolar motor add-on       
    • Included Demos:       
    • Low Power Demonstration       
    • LCD Demonstration       
    • BLDC/BDC/Unipolar/Bipolar motor control demonstrations (requires F1 motor add-on)
    •   LCD显示       
    •   系统电流检测       
    •   温度传感       
    •   LED驱动、按键控制、USB接口       
    •   原型区       
    •   BLDC/BDC/Unipolar/Bipolar 电机控制
    • PICkit 3 Debug Express       
    • MPLAB ICD 3 In-Circuit Debugger

    F1 Evaluation Platform for Enhanced PIC Microcontrollers User's Guide.pdf

    495.79 KB, 下载次数: 0

    F1 LV Evaluation Platform Motor Control Add-Ons User's Guide.pdf

    829.19 KB, 下载次数: 0

    F1 LV Evaluation Platform for Enhanced PIC® Microcontrollers User's Guide.pdf

    4.16 MB, 下载次数: 0


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