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    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-4-22 16:25:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    TLK2501评估模块用于评估TLK2501器件(VQFP)和相关的光学接口(NETLIGHT™)的点至点的数据传输应用。The TLK2501 serdes evaluation module (EVM) board is used to evaluate the TLK2501 device (VQFP) and associated optical interface (NetLight™) for point-to-point data transmission applications.The board enables the designer to connect 50 ohm parallel buses to both transmiter and receiver connectors. The TLK2501, using high speed PLL technology, serializes, encodes (8 b/10 b) and transmits data along one differential pair. The receiver part of the device deserializes, decodes, and presents data on the parallel bus. The high speed (up to 2.5 Gbps) data lines interface to four 50 ohm controlled-impedance SMA connectors. The designer can either use this copper interface directly or loop back to the laser module section for an optical interface (not provided).FeaturesSome of the advanced features offered by this board include:
    • PCB (printed-circuit board) is designed for high-speed signal integrity       
    • Flexibility - the PCB can be configured for copper or optical interfaces       
    • SMA and parallel fixtures are easily connected to test equipment       
    • All input/output signals are accessible for rapid prototyping       
    • Analog and digital power planes can be supplied through separate banana jacks for isolation or can be combined using ferrite bridging networks       
    • Series termination resistors provide parallel RD outputs       
    • Onboard capacitors provide ac coupling of high-speed signals


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    TLK2501 EVM Kit Users Guide.pdf

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