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    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-4-8 16:37:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    TAS3204EVM评估模块是基于TAS3204,TAS3204是一个高度集成的音频系统级芯片( SOC ),包括一个完全可编程的48位数字音频处理器,3:1立体声模拟输入MUX ,四个ADC ,四个DAC ,和其它模拟功能。The TAS3204 is a highly-integrated audio system-on-chip (SOC) consisting of a fully-programmable, 48-bit digital audio processor, a 3:1 stereo analog input MUX, four ADCs, four DACs, and other analog functionality. The TAS3204 is programmable with the graphical PurePath Studio™ suite of DSP code development software. PurePath Studio is a highly intuitive, drag-and-drop environment that minimizes software development effort while allowing the end user to utilize the power and flexibility of the TAS3204’s digital audio processing core.TAS3204 processing capability includes speaker equalization and crossover, volume/bass/treble control,signal mixing/MUXing/splitting, delay compensation, dynamic range compression, and many other basic audio functions. Audio functions such as matrix decoding, stereo widening, surround sound virtualization and psychoacoustic bass boost are also available with either third-party or TI royalty-free algorithms.The TAS3204 contains a custom-designed, fully-programmable 135-MHz, 48-bit digital audio processor.A 76-bit accumulator ensures that the high precision necessary for quality digital audio is maintained during arithmetic operations.


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    TAS3204EVM Guide.pdf

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    TAS3204EVM Important - Read Me First.pdf

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