CLINK3V48BT-112演示套件包含一个发射器(Tx)演示板和一个接收器(Rx)的演示板以及接口电缆。该套件将展示芯片传输数据流通过电缆采用低电压差分信号(LVDS)在七次输入时钟速率。DescriptionThis Channel Link demo kit contains a transmitter (Tx) demo board and a receiver (Rx) demo board along with an interface cable. This kit will demonstrate the chipsets transmitting data streams using Low Voltage Differential Signaling (LVDS) through a cable at seven times the input clock rate.The transmitter board accepts 3V TTL/CMOS data signals from an incoming data source along with the clock signal. The LVDS transmitter converts the TTL/CMOS parallel lines into serialized LVDS pairs. The serial data streams toggle at 7 times the clock speed.The receiver board accepts the LVDS serialized data (and clock) and converts them back into parallel 3V TTL/CMOS data out signals.