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  • TA的每日心情
    2014-7-16 09:10
  • 签到天数: 361 天

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    发表于 2014-4-8 14:28:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    C2000可再生能源开发套件是TI的数字电源的工具包,旨在为客户提供一个机会,迅速评估TI的C2000 ™产品,用于功率转换应用在安全的输入电压和功率电平的一部分。The TI Renewable Energy developer’s kit is designed to work with Texas Instruments C2000 microcontrollers. This kit is a part of TI’s digital power tools package designed to give customers an opportunity to quickly evaluate TI C2000™ products for power conversion applications at a safe input voltage and power level. This system will allow implementing all the major functions of a solar and/or a renewable energy system. These functions include front-end DC to DC conversion, three or single phase inverter operation, synchronizing inverter output with the AC line, DC to DC buck operation for possible battery charging. This board offers all the voltage and current measurement hooks so that one can create and test new topologies, techniques etc.The solar board is a flexible hardware platform that allows system designers evaluate various pieces of a solar energy system. This board takes in a DC input from a panel or from any other DC source and offers various power electronics hardware to implement all the functions of a solar system. The power electronics modules can be controlled using a C2000 controller and the board offers an easy interface with any of the plug-in C2000 controlCARDs™ for quick evaluation of C2000 controllers for these applications.The controller card interface is the standard 100-pin DIMM socket interface. Included with the kit is an F2808 controlCARD, which the kit software is designed for.

    C2000 Renewable Energy Developer’s Kit.pdf

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