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    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-4-2 16:22:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    SERDESUR-65USB是一个评估套件旨在展示性能和DS90UR905Q和DS90UR906Q FPD链路II串行器/解串器芯片组的能力。DescriptionThe SERDESUR-65USB is an evaluation kit designed to demonstrate performance and capabilities of the DS90UR905Q and DS90UR906Q FPD-Link II Serializer/Deserializer chipset.The DS90UR905Q Serializer board accepts LVCMOS input signals and provides a single serialized FPD-Link II LVDS data pair as an output. The DS90UR906Q Deserializer board accepts the LVDS serialized data stream and converts the data back into parallel LVCMOS signals. A USB cable is provided as a generic medium for the high speed data link. Jumpers and switches on the boards can be configured for evaluation of chipset features such as pre-emphasis, equalization, SSCG and backward compatibility. An I2C interface provides an alternative method to configure features of the serializer and deserializer.


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    SERDESUR-65USB Manual.pdf

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