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  • TA的每日心情
    2014-7-16 09:10
  • 签到天数: 361 天

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    发表于 2014-4-2 15:54:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    DC/DC开发套件包括所有的硬件和软件开始试验和开发数字控制LED的DC/DC系统。该试剂盒是基于Piccolo微处理器和控制卡的开发平台。The LED DC/DC Developer's Kit includes all of the hardware and software to start experimenting and developing a digitally controlled LED DC/DC system. The kit is based on the Piccolo microcontroller and the controlCARD development platform. One Piccolo MCU is able to directly control the DC/DC power stage as well as eight LED strings. The development board takes 12-48V DC of input and uses a SEPIC DC/DC topology to buck or boost the input voltage to a desired level. This voltage is then fed to four LED driving stages, each capable of driving two LED strings at up to 30 watts each. The kit includes closed loop, open source software for both the DC/DC stage and the LED lighting stage. The kit hardware is also completely open source, with the gerbers, schematics, and BOMs all available for free. For more information please see the quick start guide for the kit. .Features
    • 12-48V DC input to SEPIC DC/DC stage 50V DC output       
    • 4 LED driver stages, each capable of drving two strings at 30 watts       
    • LED driver stages can be externally powered       
    • Piccolo based controlCARD development platform       
    • Open source hardware, including gerber files, schematics, and BOMs       
    • Closed loop DC/DC and LED driving software, complete with source code and documentation


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