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    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-4-1 13:53:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    AFE5801EVM评估模块有效评估AFE5801的性能。该AFE5801包括一个8通道的电压控制放大器(VCA)与数字控制和一个8通道65MSPS类比至数位转换器(ADC)。The AFE5801 includes an 8-channel Voltage-Controlled-Amplifier (VCA) with digital control and an 8-channel 65MSPS analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The 8 analog input signals will be processed by the analog front-end circuit of AFE5801; the outputs of the analog front-end will then be digitalized by the ADC within the device. In order to process the sample data the Texas Instruments' TSW1250EVM is recommended. The TSW1250EVM includes a High-Speed LVDS Deserializer, Demultiplexer, and Analysis System which provide a comprehensive set of hardware and user interface software to effectively evaluate the performance of AFE5801. Features
    • Provide 8-channel low-voltage differential signal (LVDS) outputs from the ADC       
    • Compatible to the standard TI LVDS deserializer TSW1250EVM       
    • Communicate with PC through USB interface       
    • Power Management provides multiple power supplies for AFE5801 and other devices


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    AFE5801 User's Guide.pdf

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