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    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-4-1 13:47:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    TLV320AIC3212EVM-U是用于TLV320AIC3212音频编解码器,这是一款低功耗立体声编解码器,集成D类扬声器,耳机驱动器和DirectPath™立体声耳机输出一个完整的评估模块。DescriptionThe TLV320AIC3212EVM-U is a complete evaluation module for the TLV320AIC3212 Audio Codec, which is a Low Power Stereo Codec, Integrated Class-D Speakers, Earpiece Driver and DirectPath™ Stereo Headphone Outputs. With three audio serial interfaces, the AIC3212 also allows for multiple connections to other devices, such as application, Bluetooth, or baseband processors.There are several ways to users to learn, evaluate, and control the TLV320AIC3262 First, the AIC3262 Codec Control is an intuitive, block-diagram-based software for to control the various analog options available within the TLV320AIC3262.Second, the AIC3262 embeds two powerful DSP engines, called miniDSP. The software development for TLV320AIC3262 is supported through TI's comprehensive PurePath™ Studio Development Environment. PurePath ™ is a powerful, easy-to-use tool designed to simplify and accelerate software development miniDSP audio platforms. The Graphical Development Environment (GDE) consists of a library of common audio components that can be dragged-and-dropped into an audio signal flow and graphically connected together. The miniDSP code can then be assembled from this graphical audio signal flow. A complete process flow can be created in as little as 5 minutes. Complete system tuning can be done in a matter of hours. The user can select from hundreds of audio and voice components, examples such as noise and echo cancellation, multi-band DRC, bass boost, AGC, and many more.The TLV320AIC3262EVM-U is quickly operational with one USB cable connected to a PC. The USB connection provides power, I2C/SPI control and streaming audio data to TLV320AIC3262 audio codec through TAS1020B, an on-board USB microcontroller. Features
    • Full-featured evaluation board for TLV320AIC3212 stereo audio codec       
    • USB connection to PC provides power, control, and streaming audio data for easy evaluation       
    • Various types of input and output connectors provide easy access to all input and output digital signals       
    • On-board SRC4392 provides audio interface for optical input, optical output as well as an option for sample rate conversion       
    • Powerful clock generation scheme provides a large variety of input clock frequencies for TLV320AIC3212       
    • Sufficient connection for all Audio Serial Interfaces for quick connection to other circuits or devices


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    TLV320AIC3212EVM-U User Guide.pdf

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