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    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-3-31 14:13:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    MSP-SA430-SUB1GHZ频谱分析仪是一种可用于实现一个简单的和负担得起的工具,用以推动RF开发在亚GHz频率范围内基于CC430的参考设计。The MSP-SA430-SUB1GHZ Spectrum Analyzer is CC430-based reference design that can be used to implement an easy and affordable tool to jumpstart RF development in the sub GHz frequency range. More and more electronic devices include a built-in RF link. RF transceivers are inexpensive - but the equipment to design and debug such systems is not. The CC430-based spectrum analyzer provides an affordable development tool that reduces the time needed on expensive measurement equipment. The system is recognized as a USB device and is operated from a powerful yet simple graphical user interface that is available for free to download.The CC430 microcontroller that the SA430 is based on is a highly integrated system-on-chip featuring an on-board sub-GHz radio chip based on the CC1101. System Requirements
    • Screen: Minimum 800x600, better 1024 x 768       
    • Supported OS: Windows® XP 32 bit, Windows® Vista 32/64 bit, Windows® 7 32/64 bit       
    • Memory: 200 MB free HDD       
    • Connection: One USB 2.0 port
    FeaturesHardware Specifications
    • Based on the sub-1GHz CC430 MCU       
    • CC430/MSP-SA430-SUB1GHZ Supported Frequency Ranges:
    ---300 – 348 MHz---389 – 464 MHz---779 – 928 MHz
    • Minimal Frequency Step: 397 Hz typ.       
    • Maximum input level: -40 dBm typ (range extendable with attenuators)       
    • Minimum detectable level: -100 dBm typ.       
    • Level Resolution: 0.5 dB
    GUI Features
    • Open source QT-based Graphical User Interface (GUI)       
    • Flexible GUI allows developers to set desired frequency range and amplitude to measure       
    • Configurable to show continuous sweep readings or single snapshots       
    • Up to 4 traces can be visualized on the GUI, which can be configured to show maximum, average or actual readings.       
    • Markers are available for easy measurement readings. These markers can be controlled manually using a jog wheel, or dynamic based on auto peak detection       
    • The GUI view can be configured to show grids, customizable labels, inverted colors and other options       
    • Screenshot capability is available to record readings as .pdf or .png file types.       
    • Traces can be exported as comma separated file       
    • Configuration settings for the GUI can be saved and loaded for future measurements

    MSP430 Family.pdf

    594.64 KB, 下载次数: 0

    MSP-SA430-SUB1GHZ User Guide.pdf

    313.37 KB, 下载次数: 0


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