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    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-3-27 15:56:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    SCANSTA112评估套件是基于SCANSTA112进行演示评估,其中STA112评价卡可以作为独立的卡进行评估。The purpose of the evaluation card is to provide the user with a simple method to evaluate the features of the SCANSTA112 device. In order to use the card, the user will need a method to generate, deliver, and diagnose test vectors using the IEEE 1149.1 interface. The user will also have to provide a target boundary scan chain(one or more devices) connected to one or more of the STA112 local ports.The STA112 Evaluation card has been designed to either function as a standalone card, or may be plugged into National’s SCAN STA Evaluation Kit backplane (available on our web site, p/n SCANSTAEVK). There are two differences between the two functions: 1) How the B0 backplane 1149.1 signals are connected to the STA112, and 2) how the power is provided to the board.


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    SCANSTA112 Eval Kit.pdf

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