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    发表于 2014-3-27 14:42:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    INA209EVM主要硬件由两块板组成,INA209测试板和USB DIG平台。该INA209测试板包含INA209,端子排的外部连接,以及多个跳线用于设备配置。The INA209EVM key hardware consists of two boards, INA209 Test Board and USB DIG Platform. The INA209 Test Board contains the INA209, terminal strips for external connections, and several jumpers for device configuration. The USB DIG Platform contains an 8052 microcontroller with a built in USB interface. The microcontroller generates the I2C signals necessary to communicate with the INA209. The USB DIG Platform also contains, a 3V/5V programmable linear regulator, a switch for power control, general purpose digital I/O and an SPI interface.The INA209EVM contains an AC wall adapter (220/120 Vac to 6 Vdc) to provide 6 Vdc to the USB DIG Platform. The INA209 is designed to allow the user to interface it to their system. Simple windows based graphical software allows the user to communicate with and configure the INA209. Features
    • INA209 Hardware Designer‘s Kit       
    • Evaluate INA209 + User‘s Current Shunt Design       
    • Full Temperature Evaluation       
    • Sft Cntr for the Desingers Kit to comumincate with the INA209       
    • Ability to Calibrate the INA209

    SRC4192EVM User Guide.pdf

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