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    发表于 2014-3-26 16:35:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    德州仪器BQ51013AEVM-764无线电源接收器评估套件是一款高性能,易于使用的开发套件,用于无线电源解决方案的设计。DescriptionThe bq51013AEVM-764 wireless power receiver evaluation kit from Texas Instruments is a high-performance, easy-to-use development kit for the design of wireless power solutions. Consisting of a 5-V power supply receiver and associated magnetics, the kit enables designers to speed the development of their end-applications. This EVM uses the WCSP package which is a 28 ball 1.9mm X 3mm ball grid.Features
    • Integrated Wireless Power Receiver Solution with a 5V Regulated Supply       
    • Dynamic Rectifier Control for Improved Load Transient Response       
    • Supports 20-V Maximum Input       
    • Low-power Dissipative Rectifier Overvoltage Clamp (VOVP = 15V)       
    • Thermal Shutdown       
    • Multifunction NTC and Control Pin for Temperature Monitoring, Done Charging and Fault Host Control       
    • Stand-alone Digital Controller       
    • Programmable Termination Pin for Charge Status 100% (CS100) Support


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    BQ51013AEVM-764 User Guide.pdf

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