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    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-3-26 14:47:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    SD384EVK是一个评估板旨在演示LMH03843 Gbps的HD / SD SDI扩展覆盖面和可配置的自适应电缆均衡器的性能和功能。DescriptionThe SD384EVK is an evaluation board designed to demonstrate the performance and capabilities of the LMH0384 3 Gbps HD/SD SDI Extended Reach and Configurable Adaptive Cable Equalizer. The board accepts 75Ω input signals conforming to the SMPTE 424M, SMPTE 292M, or SMPTE 259M standards. The LMH0384 will restore the input signal after it has been attenuated by coaxial cable. The LMH0384 differential output is provided via two 50Ω SMA connectors. Jumpers on the board can be configured for evaluation of LMH0384 features such as auto sleep, carrier detect, mute, bypass, and SPI mode / pin mode select.


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    SD384EVK Eval Kit.pdf

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