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    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-3-26 13:57:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    DS25BR204EVK是一个评估套件专为展示DS25BR204的性能,3.125 Gbps的1:4 LVDS缓冲器/中继器与发送预加重及接收均衡。该评估套件包括与其相关的输入和输出的SMA连接器和跳线手动配置交换机的DS25BR204的。The DS25BR204EVK is an evaluation kit designed for demonstrating performance of the DS25BR204, a 3.125 Gbps 1:4 LVDS Buffer/Repeater with transmit pre-emphasis and receive equalization. The evaluation kit is comprised of the DS25BR204 with its associated input and output SMA connectors and jumpers to manually configure the switch. In addition, the EVK features three FR4 striplines (15 (~38), 30 (~76) and 60 (~152) inches (cm) in length) for exercising device’s signal conditioning features (pre-emphasis and equalization).The purpose of this document is to familiarize the user with the DS25BR204EVK, to suggest test setup procedures and instrumentation to test the device optimally, and to guide the user through some typical measurements that demonstrate the performance of the DS25BR204 in typical applications.


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    DS25BR204EVK Manual.pdf

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