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    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-3-25 16:14:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    SM73201参考设计包,包括了SM73201-ARC-EV的PCB,是一个UL1699B兼容的光生伏特电弧检测系统的不足50毫米×30毫米的最小的足迹。描述The SolarMagic™ reference design kit RD-195 includes the SM73201-ARC-EV PCB which is a UL1699B compliant Photo-Voltaic Arc Detect System with a minimal footprint of less than 50 mm x 30 mm. The reference design utilizes National Semiconductor's advanced Analog technology along with an innovative dynamic filtering technique to effectively detect the signature of Arcing conductors in the presence of highly noisy real world environments. Implemented with National Semiconductor’s PowerWise® technology, the Analog path requires less than 50mW of power to implement the active filtering. The operation range of the device covers the industrial temperature range of -40C to +85C.SolarMagic™ technology is an overall solution that works in existing and new installations, residential, commercial, and utility scale projects. National Semiconductor's 50 years of experience in the electronics industry delivers unsurpassed manufacturing, design, and development technology. 特性
    • SM73201-ARC-EV       
    • Maximum DC string current = 15A       
    • Simple LED arc detection flag       
    • Industrial Temperature Range (-40C to +85C)       
    • Small PCB footprint of less than 50 mm x 30 mm       
    • Low power requirement


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