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发表于 2015-6-15 09:31:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
MotionInterface™正在成为智能手机和平板电脑制造商“必须拥有”的功能,由于它增加了最终用户体验的巨大价值。在智能手机,发现它在应用程序中使用,如应用程序和电话控制,增强游戏,增强现实,全景照片拍摄和浏览,以及行人和车辆导航手势命令。凭借其能够精确,准确地跟踪用户的运动,MotionTracking技术可以将手机和平板电脑转变为可以在应用范围从健康和健身监控,基于位置的服务中使用强大的3D智能设备。The triple-axis MEMS gyroscope in the MPU-9150 includes a wide range of features:
  •  Digital-output X-, Y-, and Z-Axis angular rate sensors (gyroscopes) with a user-programmable fullscale range of ±250, ±500, ±1000, and ±2000°/sec       
  •  External sync signal connected to the FSYNC pin supports image, video and GPS synchronization       
  •  Integrated 16-bit ADCs enable simultaneous sampling of gyros        
  •  Enhanced bias and sensitivity temperature stability reduces the need for user calibration       
  •  Improved low-frequency noise performance       
  •  Digitally-programmable low-pass filter        
  •  Factory calibrated sensitivity scale factor       
  •  User self-test
The triple-axis MEMS accelerometer in MPU-9150 includes a wide range of features:
  • Digital-output 3-Axis accelerometer with a programmable full scale range of ±2g, ±4g, ±8g and ±16g       
  • Integrated 16-bit ADCs enable simultaneous sampling of accelerometers while requiring no external multiplexer       
  •  Orientation detection and signaling       
  •  Tap detection        
  •  User-programmable interrupts       
  •  High-G interrupt        
  •  User self-tes

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