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    发表于 2014-3-24 16:06:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    THS7368EVM对于THS7368在PW(20引线TSSOP)封装的评估模块。该THS7368EVM旨在快速和容易地证明了设备的功能性和多功能性。The THS7368EVM is an evaluation module for the THS7368 in the PW (20-lead TSSOP) package.The THS7368EVM is designed to quickly and easily demonstrate the functionality and versatility of the device. The EVM is ready for power, signal source, and test instruments. The EVM is configured with a 75 ohm input and output termination.The THS7368 evaluation module (EVM) User's Guide is included within the Product Datasheet. Features
    • Configured with 75 ohms input/output impedance       
    • Single Supply: 2.7V to 5V       
    • Decoupling capacitors       
    • Connectors: Vs+, GND, INPUT, OUTPUT and test points       
    • Input and output connectors support both BNC and RCA/S-video connections       
    • Six Jumpers allow device configuration for SD-disable, SF-Disable, SD-bypass, SF-bypass, and filter selections

    THS7368 .pdf

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