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    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-3-24 15:30:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    SRC4392EVM-PDK提供了用于评估德州仪器SRC4392设备的功能和性能的模块化解决方案。的PDK包括一个主板(DAIMB)和子板(SRC4392EVM)。DescriptionThe SRC4392EVM-PDK provides a modular solution for evaluating the function and performance of the SRC4392 device from Texas Instruments. The PDK includes a motherboard (DAIMB) and a daughterboard (SRC4392EVM). These boards are plugged into each other to allow a complete solution for analysis of the SRC4392 device using a desk top computer. The modular design allows for common functions to be integrated onto the DAIMB motherboard, while device-specific functions are integrated onto the daughterboard EVM. Features
    • Buffered headers support up to four audio and serial interfaces, compatible with I2S™ style or TDM data formats       
    • Flexible reference and master clock generation are supported, using either onboard oscillators or external clock sources       
    • Onboard linear regulators derive +1.8 V, +3.3 V, and +5 V power supplies from external supplies or the USB port       
    • Power maybe provided from a wall adapter (included) or a +5 V power supply       
    • LED indicators are provided for DIR Lock and SRC Ready output flags


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