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    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-3-21 15:43:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    TUSB2136/TPS2149PDK可以用来评价TUSB2136 USB复合集线器设备和键盘应用TPS2149 USB电源控制设备。两个主要评估模块和迷你键盘都包含在TUSB2136TPS2149PDK。The TUSB2136TPS2149PDK can be used to evaluate the TUSB2136 USB compound hub device and the TPS2149 USB power controller device in a keyboard application. Both a main evaluation module and a mini keyboard are included in the TUSB2136TPS2149PDK. The user is expected to be familiar with 8052 MCU architecture and programming, as well as USB certification requirements. For more information on Universal Serial Bus and certification, logo, and testing requirements, see www.usb.org.Software/Utilities Available include:AppLoader is a Windows-based USB Device Driver that will load binary 8052 code to the TUSB2136. It allows the user to keep the firmware on the PC rather than in an EEPROM on the board. The EEPROM must be removed from the board for Apploader to function. When the device is plugged into the PC, Windows associates it with this driver, which then downloads the firmware to the device's RAM directly. AppLoader has been tested under Win98SE, Win2K, WinME and WinXP. It is intended to be used during the firmware development phase of a project and is not intended for production use. Firmware on production systems should be stored on an EEPROM in the USB device.The I2C Header Generator Utility is a DOS-based tool that generates an image file for your I2C EEPROM, using your binary object code and/or custom descriptors as inputs.The Sample Source Code can be downloaded if you agree to the online royalty-free license agreement. Objext code comes pre-loaded in the on-board EEPROM. If you will do your own firmware devlopment, a Compiler will be required. Since the TUSB2136 is based upon the industry-standard 8052 microcontroller, there are several compilers on the market that would be suitable. Some examples are at www.iar.com, www.keil.com, and at www.tasking.com.The TUSB2136/3210 Firmware Debugging Guide is a general instruction guide on how to debug user-developed firmware using the TUSB2136's native 8052 debug port.The TUSB2136/3210/5052 USB Firmware Architecture 8052 Embedded USB Micro-Controller document discusses the firmware architecture of the TUSB3210.Additional items needed for EVM use include a USB Montioring Utility and a USB enabled Host computer. Features
    • Facilitate Development with a resident TUSB2136 USB micro-controller       
    • Test the on-board TPS2149 power controller       
    • Quick keyboard testing via mini input keys       
    • Connection to a USB-enabled host


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    TUSB2136/TPS2149 Guide.pdf

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    TUSB2136TPS2149PDK Getting Started.pdf

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