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    发表于 2014-3-18 15:32:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    双插槽的AdvancedMC™控制器评估模块(TPS2359EVM)是PCB平台,供用户了解德州仪器(TI)的TPS2359集成电路的功能和操作。TPS2359全功能双插槽的AdvancedMC™控制器管理两个12 V和两个3.3 V电源轨,并具有涌流和故障电流限制以及FET OR'ing,输入欠压锁定保护,逻辑电平使能输入和一个I²C接口。DescriptionThe Dual-Slot AdvancedMC™ Controller Evaluation Module (TPS2359EVM) is a PCB platform for users to learn about the features and operation of the TPS2359 integrated circuit from Texas Instruments (TI). The TPS2359 Full Featured Dual-Slot AdvancedMC™ Controller manages two 12 V and two 3.3 V power rails, and features inrush and fault current limiting, FET OR’ing, input UVLO protection, logic-level enable inputs and an I²C interface. Current control on the 12 V rails has a high degree of programmability, including independent current limit and fast trip thresholds. System level timing and other control parameters are accessed via the I²C interface, along with readback of FET and output rail status. In addition, current sense and pass and block FET’s for the 3.3 V channels are fully integrated into the device. Features
    • One TPS2359 Full Featured Dual-Slot AdvancedMC™ Controller IC       
    • USB- to-I²C Interface Adapter       
    • Programming and sense resistors (12 V)       
    • Low RDS(ON) pass and block FET’s (12 V)       
    • Input and output power jacks for external supply and optional load connection       
    • Up to 880 µF (4 x 220 µF) jumpered load capacitors (each channel) for simulated Payload Power output bulk capacitance       
    • 150 µF jumpered load capacitor for each Management Power channel       
    • Address-setting DIP switch       
    • Slide switch actuation of enable inputs       
    • Expansion port headers       
    • Windows-compatible EVM GUI


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    TPS2359 User Guide.pdf

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