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    发表于 2014-3-18 14:31:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    BQ24610EVM-603评估模块提供了更多的充电7节锂离子电池的解决方案。它使用BQ24610 ,该TPS54060 , UCC2701 , INA169 ,和LM2903 。该BQ24610是一个集成的锂离子或锂聚合物开关模式电池充电控制器。The bq24610EVM-603 provides a solution for charging more 7-cell Li-ion battery. It uses the bq24610, the TPS54060, UCC2701, INA169, and LM2903. Detail design ideas are available in the Texas Instruments application report SLUA580. The bq24610 is an integrated Li-ion or Li-polymer switch-mode battery charge controller. It offers a constant-frequency synchronous switching PWM controller with high-accuracy charge current and voltage regulation. Other features include charge preconditioning, termination, and charge status monitoring. The BQ24610EVM-603 charges the battery in three phases: preconditioning, constant current, and constant voltage. Charge is terminated when the current reaches a minimum user-selectable level. A programmable charge timer provides a safety backup for charge termination. The bq24610EVM-603 automatically restarts the charge cycle if the battery voltage falls below an internal threshold, and enters a low-quiescent current sleep mode when the input voltage falls below the battery voltage Features
    • Evaluation module for 8-cell Li-ion battery. To support other voltage battery configurations, the output voltage set point can be altered by changing the feedback voltage divider       
    • High-efficiency, synchronous buck charger       
    • User-programmable battery voltage       
    • Test points for key signals available for testing purpose. Easy probe hook-up       
    • Jumpers available. Easy-to-change connections


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    BQ24610EVM-603 User Guide.pdf

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