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    发表于 2014-3-17 14:56:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    BQ2461x是高度集成的锂离子或锂聚合物开关模式电池充电控制器。该bq2463x是高度集成的专为磷酸锂化学电池充电的开关模式电池充电控制器。The bq2461x is highly integrated Li-ion or Li-polymer switch-mode battery charge controllers. The bq2463x is highly integrated switch-mode battery charge controllers designed specifically to charge Lithium Phosphate battery chemistries. They offer a constant-frequency synchronous PWM controller with high accuracy charge current and voltage regulation, adapter current regulation, termination, charge preconditioning, and charge status monitoring, The bq2461x/bq2463x charges the battery in three phases: preconditioning, constant current, and onstant voltage. Charge is terminated when the current reches a minimum user-selectable level. A programmable charge timer provides a safety backup for charge termination. The q2461x/bq2463x automatically restarts the charge cycle if the battery voltage falls below an internal threshold, and enters a low-quiescent current sleep mode when the input voltage falls below the battery voltage. Features
    • Evaluation Module For bq2461x/bq2463x       
    • High Efficiency Synchronous Buck Charger       
    • User-programmable up to 26V Battery Voltage       
    • AC Adapter Operating Range 5V to 28V       
    • LED Indication for Control and Status Signals       
    • Test Points for Key Signals Available for Testing Purpose. Easy Probe Hook-up.       
    • Jumpers Available. Easy to Change Connections


    2.08 MB, 下载次数: 1

    BQ2461x,63x User Guide.pdf

    920.61 KB, 下载次数: 1


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