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    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-3-17 14:32:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    SN65HVD62EVM评估模块的设计是为了让用户评估TI的SN65HVD62 AISG的通断键控调制解调收发器的电参数性能和功能。DescriptionThe SN65HVD62EVM Evaluation Module has been designed to allow the user to evaluate the electrical parameter performance and features of TI's SN65HVD62 AISG on-off keying modem transceiver. The SN65HVD62EVM Evaluation Module can be used for independent evaluation of transmit or receive channels or the SN65HVD62 AISG transceivers or for the evaluation of two of these transceivers in a system configuration, with one being used as a transmitter and the other being used as a receiver. Features
    • 3.0V to 5.5V Supply range       
    • Low power standby mode       
    • Wide input dynamic range of -15dBm to +5dBm for Receiver       
    • Power delivered by the driver to the Coax can be adjusted from 0dBm to +6dBm       
    • AISG Compliant Output Emission Profile       
    • Supports up to 115kbps signaling


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