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  • TA的每日心情
    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-3-17 14:10:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    TLK100EXTEVM是德州仪器的演示平台,允许TLK100设备的客户评价和展示TLK100数据表中指定的高级功能。TLK100EXTEVM被设计在工业温度工作。The TLK100EXTEVM is Texas Instruments demo platform that allows customer evaluation of the TLK100 device and demonstrate the advanced features specified in TLK100 datasheet.The EVM supports 10/100 Base-T and is complaint with IEEE 802.3 standardTLK100EXTEVM works with a single supply (5V or 3.3V) from the MII. All other voltages required for the TLK100 are generated on board using on board regulators.The TLK100EXTEVM designed to operate the TLK100 device without using the TLK100 internal LDO Regulators. When working in this mode the power consumption of the device is extremely low (see datasheet for more details).TLK100EXTEVM is designed to work in industrial temperatures.The EVM kit contains:• TLK100EXTEVM Unit.• Printed copy of this User's Guide.• TLK100EXTEVM schematic.


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    TLK100EXTEVM User Guide .pdf

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