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  • TA的每日心情
    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-3-13 14:30:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    BQ2022A评估模块用于一个或两个IC。该BQ2022A是理想的应用,如电池组配置参数,记录维护,资产跟踪,产品修正状态和访问代码的安全性。DescriptionThe bq2022A is a 1 K-bit serial EPROM containing a factory-programmed, unique 48-bit identification number, 8-bit CRC generation, and an 8-bit family code. A 64-bit status register controls write protection and page redirection. The purpose of the evaluation software is to demonstrate the functionality of the bq2022A. The bq2022A evaluation board can be used for one or two ICs. The bq2022A is ideal for applications such as battery pack configuration parameters, record maintenance, asset tracking, product revision status, and access-code security. An EV2300 board is required to interface this EVM with the PC and can be purchased separately. Kit Contains:
    • bq2022A, HPA125 revision-B board       
    • CD-ROM including Windows™-based PC software and support documentation


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