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  • TA的每日心情
    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-3-13 14:22:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    LMP91051设计套件(包括该LMP91051评估模块,将SPIO- 4数字控制器板,将传感器模拟前端电路软件)旨在简化评估和设计,在德州仪器的LMP91051可配置的模拟前端的非色散红外( NDIR ) 。The LMP91051 Design Kit (consisting of the LMP91051 Evaluation Module, the SPIO-4 Digital Controller Board, the Sensor AFE software, and this user’s guide) is designed to ease evaluation and design-in of Texas Instrument’s LMP91051 Configurable AFE for Nondispersive Infrared (NDIR).Data capturing and evaluations are simplified by connecting the SPIO-4 Digital Controller Board (SPIO-4 board) to a PC via USB and running the Sensor AFE software. The data capture board will generate the SPI signals to communicate to and capture data from the LMP91051. The user will also have the option to evaluate the LMP91051 without using the SPIO-4 board or the Sensor AFE software.The on board data converter will digitize the LMP91051’s analog output, and the software will display these results in time domain and histogram. The software also allows customers to write to and read from registers, to configure the device’s gain, output offset, and common mode voltage, and most importantly, to configure andlearn about the LMP91051.


    1.52 MB, 下载次数: 0

    LMP91051EVM User Guide.pdf

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