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    发表于 2014-3-13 13:38:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    BQ2060AEVM-001是为bq2060A的符合SBS v1.1的电量监测计IC的完整评估系统。该EVM包含一个bq2060AEVM-001的电路模块,EV2200 PC接口板,用于瓦斯超限的评价,一个PC串行电缆和基于Windows的PC软件。DescriptionThe bq2060AEVM-001 is a complete evaluation system for the bq2060A SBS v1.1 Compliant Gas Gauge IC. The EVM includes one bq2060AEVM-001 circuit module, an EV2200 PC interface board for gas gauge evaluation, a PC serial cable, and Windows based PC software. The bq2060AEVM-001 circuit module includes one bq2060 IC, a sense resistor, four LEDs to display remaining capacity, and all other components on-board necessary to monitor capacity and other critical parameters in a Li-Ion battery pack. The bq2060AEVM-001 connects directly across the cells in a battery. By using the EV2200 interface board and software, the user can read the bq2060A data registers and evaluate the functions of the bq2060A under different charge/discharge conditions.Each bq2060AEVM-001 included with the bq2060 Evaluation Kit is pre-programmed for the pack voltage, chemistry, and capacity, as outlined in Ordering Information. The circuit modules can be re-programmed, if necessary, using the evaluation software.Please refer to the “bq2060AEVM-001 and bq2060AEVM-002” User Guide for information on how to install the software, connect the evaluation setup, and use the main features of the evaluation kit. Features
    • Complete evaluation system for the bq2060A SBS 1.1 compliant advanced gas gauge for LiIon battery packs       
    • Populated circuit module for quick setup       
    • PC software and interface board for easy evaluation       
    • Software that allows data-logging for system analysis


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