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    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-3-11 15:16:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    ISO71XXDBQ是低功耗数字隔离器评估模块。该ISO71XXDBQ-EVM附带焊接下来ISO7131CCDBQ设备。用户可以删除该设备和焊接下来4通道ISO714XCCDBQ设备中的任何一个。描述The ISO71XXDBQ-EVM comes with the ISO7131CCDBQ device soldered down. The user can remove this device and solder down any one of the 4-channel ISO714XCCDBQ devices. This EVM allows the user to evaluate the isolator performance and parameters. For safety reasons tThe EVM is not designed to work at voltages above 5.5-V. The EVM should not be used for high-voltage isolation testing. Please observe the cautions described in the EVM user's guide. 特性User configurable for use with triple- and quad-channel ISO71xx isolatorsEnables opposing channel testing with the ISO7131, ISO7141, and ISO7142Same direction evaluation can be performed using the ISO7140User configurable load options for the input and output channels


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    ISO71XX-EVM User Guide.pdf

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