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    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-3-11 13:41:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    INA210-214EVM旨在提供该系列器件的基本功能评估。The INA210-214EVM is intended to provide basic functional evaluation of this device family. The fixture layout is not intended to be a model for the target circuit, nor is it laid out for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing The INA210-214EVM allows the user to install a shunt resistor, and then connect both the common-mode voltage and load to develop the input voltage, or omit the shunt resistor and apply a differential voltage directly to the device input. This flexibility allows a user to test the device operation in a simulated manner as well as an actual application. FeaturesEasy handling of the small SC70 packageEasy access to all device pinsSpace for optional input filtering capacitors and resistors as well as a prototype area for additional user defined circuitrySpace for shunt resistors of various footprintsEvaluation of all gain options through provided device boards as well as a location to solder a test device directly onto the board


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    INA210-214EVM Guide.pdf

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