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    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-3-10 15:44:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    SP1202S02RB热电偶传感器板,随着传感器信号路径控制面板(传感器面板)软件和SPUSI2 USB接口适配器的设计,以减轻使用各种热电偶传感器与全国的放大器和模 - 数转换器(ADC )电路的设计。使用WEBENCH热电偶传感器设计工具,以确定合适的集成电路和无源器件,来实现设计者的Signa路径。The Thermocouple Sensor Board Version 1 (SP1202S02RB) along with the Sensor Signal Path Control Panel (Sensor Panel) software and SPUSI2 USB Interface Dongle are designed to ease the design of circuits using various thermocouple sensors with National's amplifiers and Analog-toDigital converters (ADCs). Use the WEBENCH®Thermocouple Sensor Designer tool to determine appropriate IC’s and passives to achieve your signa path .See Figure 1 for component placement and Figure 2 for example board schematic. The thermocouple sensor can be connected to header J1 or J2. The differential voltage at the thermocouple sensor output is digitized and can be captured and displayed on the computer monitor with the accompanying Sensor Panel software, which operates under Microsoft Windows XP. The amplified thermocouple sensor voltage may be measured at TP3 relative to ground. The software can provide gain and offset correction for the entire circuit, including the sensor.This Thermocouple Sensor Board Version 1 comes as a bare board that must be assembled.

    SP1202S02RB User Guide.pdf

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