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EV- VN5E025AJ评估板

  • TA的每日心情
    2014-7-16 09:10
  • 签到天数: 361 天

    连续签到: 1 天


    发表于 2014-3-7 14:24:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    EV- VN5E025AJ评估板来预装配有VN5E025AJ -E高端驱动器。为用户提供一个简单的方法来连接意法半导体的表面,安装半导体VIPower ®驱动程序到用户现有的原型电路。EV-VN5E025AJ provides you an easy way to connect ST’s surface mounted VIPower®drivers into your existing prototype circuitry. This evaluation board comes pre-assembled with VN5E025AJ-E high-side driver.The VN5E025AJ-E is a single channel high-side driver manufactured using ST proprietary VIPower M0-5 technology and housed in PowerSSO-12 package. The VN5E025AJ-E is designed to drive 12 V automotive grounded loads, providing protection, diagnostics and easy 3 V and 5 V CMOS-compatible interface with any microcontroller.The device integrates advanced protective functions such as load current limitation, inrush and overload active management by power limitation, overtemperature shutoff with autorestart and overvoltage active clamp. A dedicated analog current sense pin is associated with every output channel provides enhanced diagnostic functions including fast detection of overload and short-circuit to ground through power limitation indication, over temperature indication, short-circuit to VCCdiagnosis and ON-state and OFF-state open-load detection. The current sensing and diagnostic feedback of the whole device can be disabled by pulling the CS_DIS pin high to share the external sense resistor with similar devices.


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