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EVA L6208PD评估板

  • TA的每日心情
    2014-7-16 09:10
  • 签到天数: 361 天

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    发表于 2014-3-5 17:17:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    EVA L6208PD评估板是L6208 DMOS驱动器双极步进电机的功率封装。该L6208设备是一个DMOS完全集成的步进电机驱动器与非耗散 过电流保护,实现BCD技术,结合隔离DMOS 功率晶体管。The L6208 device is a DMOS fully integrated stepper motor driver with non-dissipative overcurrent protection, realized in BCD technology, which combines isolated DMOS power transistors with CMOS and bipolar circuits on the same chip. The device includes all the circuitry needed to drive a two phase bipolar stepper motor including: a dual DMOS full bridge, the constant off time PWM current controller that performs the chopping regulation and the phase sequence generator, that generates the stepping sequence. Available in PowerDIP24 (20 + 2 + 2), PowerSO36 and SO24 (20 + 2 + 2) packages, the L6208 device features a non-dissipative overcurrent protection on the high-side Power MOSFETs and thermal shutdown.


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