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    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-3-5 16:35:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    EVAL6205N评估板帮助用户评价POWERDIP包L6205。它实现了一个典型的应用,能运行一至四个直流电机或一个步进电机。The EVAL6205N will help you in evaluating the L6205 in PowerDIP package. It implements a typical application, enabled to run one to four DC motors or one stepper motor. On the board the L6506, PWM current controller, provides the current control for the L6205N power section. Screw connectors provide connection to motor supply rail and 5 V reference for the logic inputs, as well as the four outputs to motor windings. EVAL6205N can be hooked-up to practiSPIN interface board (EVALpractiSPIN) through a 34-pin connector. This also gives direct access to ICs input signals as well as making possible to provide reference voltages for current control PWM. Operating frequency and reference voltage (independent for the two channels) for the L6506 PWM current control loops could be set by means of three pots placed on the board. EVAL6205N can be used as well to evaluate the L6225N product just adjusting pot settings.


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    EVALCOMMBOARD Manual.pdf

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