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  • TA的每日心情
    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-3-5 16:27:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    EVAL6574B演示板基于L6574 CFL/ TL镇流器驱动用来演示预热和调光。This design was developed to drive a TL fluorescent lamp of up to 58 W. It is composed of two sections: the PFC using the L6561 controller, and the ballast based on the L6574. The application includes a current feedback that can be used to control the power (and, if necessary, the dimming function) by varying the switching frequency during normal lamp operation. The application also features safety circuitry which activates when an open load or faulty lamp ignition is detected. The PFC pre-regulator allows connection of the application to a wide input voltage range (85 Vac to 265 Vac) providing a Power Factor higher than 0.99 and a THD lower than 10%.


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    EVAL6574B Brief.pdf

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