STEVAL-ICV001V1音频播放演示板,演示了如何使用ST7微控制器添加音频回放的应用程序。音频播放演示板通过ST7FLITES2微控制器的PWM重构音频信号,和一个串行闪存,用于存储该音频数据在一个二进制文件格式。This board demonstrates how to add audio playback to any application using a generalpurpose ST7 microcontroller. The audio player demonstration board reconstructs audio signals through the PWM of the ST7FLITES2 microcontroller, and a serial Flash is used to store the audio data in a binary file format. Once the data is stored, the microcontroller reads it through an SPI interface and generates the sound using the PWM feature. A sixth order low-pass filter removes any unwanted high-frequency components from the signal before passing it to a speaker