STEVAL-CBP006V1 演示板旨在提供一个准备使用的平台电源管理和用户界面控制周围开发的STM8S单片机。该板可以管理不同的唤醒源,并在待机执行应用程序其余部分的电源开关。该板还设有一个ST电容式触摸传感软件,能够将任何8位STM8微控制器变成一个电容式触摸传感控制器的库。The STEVAL-CBP006V1 UniPower demonstration board is designed to provide a ready-to-use platform for power supply management and user-interface control developed around the STM8S MCU. The board can manage various wakeup sources, and perform power supply switching of the rest of the application during standby. The board also features an ST capacitive touch-sensing software library capable of turning any 8-bit STM8 microcontroller into a capacitive touch-sensing controller.