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  • TA的每日心情
    2014-7-16 09:10
  • 签到天数: 361 天

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    发表于 2014-3-3 13:58:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    EVL6564H-100W演示板是基于新的过渡模式PFC控制器L6564H,并实现了100瓦,宽范围电源输入,PFC预调节器适用于镇流器,适配器,平面显示器,并具有满足所有SMPS IEC61000-3- 2或JEITA - MITI规定。This demonstration board is based on the new transition-mode PFC controller L6564H and implements a 100 W, wide-range mains input, PFC pre-conditioner suitable for ballast, adapters, flat screen displays, and all SMPS having to meet IEC61000-3-2 or JEITA-MITI regulations.The L6564H is a current-mode PFC controller operating in transition mode (TM) which embeds the same features existing in the L6564 with the addition of a high voltage startup source. These functions make the IC especially suitable for applications that must be compliant with energy saving regulations and where the PFC preregulator works as the master stage.The EVAL6564H-100W implements a power factor correction (PFC) pre-regulator 100 W, continuous power, on a regulated 400 V rail from a wide-range mains voltage and providing for the reduction of the mains harmonics, allowing the European EN61000-3-2 or the Japanese JEITAMITI standard to be met. The regulated output voltage is typically the input for the cascaded isolated DC-DC converter that provides the output rails required by the load.


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