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  • TA的每日心情
    2014-7-16 09:10
  • 签到天数: 361 天

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    发表于 2014-3-3 13:48:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    EVL6563S-100W演示板,实现了一个功率因数校正(PFC )预调节器, 100瓦连续功率,处于受规管400V电压轨的宽范围电源电压,并提供减少电源谐波,允许满足欧洲EN61000-3- 2或日本JEITA - MITI标准。This application note describes a demonstration board based on the transition-mode PFC controller L6563S and presents the results of its bench demonstration. The board implements a 100 W, wide-range mains input, PFC pre-conditioner suitable for ballast, adapters, flatscreen displays, and all SMPS having to meet the IEC61000-3-2 or the JEITAMITI regulation.The L6563S is a current-mode PFC controller operating in transition mode (TM) and implementing an internal high-voltage startup circuitry.This demonstration board implements a power factor correction (PFC) pre-egulator,100 W continuous power, on a regulated 400 V rail from a wide-range mains voltage and provides for the reduction of the mains harmonics, allowing to meet the European EN61000-3-2 or the Japanese JEITA-MITI standard. The regulated output voltage is typically the input for the cascaded isolated DC-DC converter that provides the output rails required by the load.The board is designed to allow full-load operation in still air.The power stage of the PFC is a conventional boost converter, connected to the output of the rectifier bridge D1. It is completed by the coil L2, the diode D3 and the capacitor C6. The boost switch is represented by the power MOSFET Q1. The NTC R1 limits the inrush current at switch-on. It has been connected on the DC rail, in series to the output electrolytic capacitor, in order to improve the efficiency during low line operation because the RMS current flowing into the output stage is lower than current flowing into the input one at the same input voltage, thus increasing efficiency. The board is equipped with an input EMI filter necessary to filter the commutation noise coming from the boost stage.

    EVL6563S-100W Appl Note.pdf

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