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    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-3-3 13:35:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    STEVAL- IPE003V1测量板属于电表(单相)。此板可连接到电源电压( 220 V/110 V) 。此板的操作尤为谨慎,所有的操作,如运输,安装,调试,以及维修,应进行只能由熟练的技术人员(国家事故预防规则必须遵守) 。This metering module can be used to build a Class 0.5 Single-phase standalone or microprocessor based meter with or without Tamper detection for power line systems of UNOM = 140 to 300VRMS, INOM/IMAX = 2/20ARMS,fLIN = 45 to 65Hz and TAMB = -40 to +85 °C.In standalone mode, a stepper motor display should be connected to pins W5 and W6. A user can select the type of stepper or the constant of output pulse frequency by changing LVS or KMOT configurators respectively.In Microprocessor based mode, a control board with a microprocessor should be connected to the male connector P1 of the module using a 10-wire flat cable.This board can be connected to mains voltage (220 V/110 V). In the case of improper use, wrong installation or malfunction, there is a danger of serious personal injury and damage to property. All operations such as transport, installation, and commissioning, as well as maintenance, should be carried out only by skilled technical personnel (national accident prevention rules must be observed).

    STEVAL-IPE003V1 Data Brief.pdf

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    STEVAL-IPE0xxV1 User Manual.pdf

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