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    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-3-3 13:11:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    STEVAL-IFP019V1演示板显示VNI4140K-32四通道高侧智能功率固态继电器的功能。The STEVAL-IFP019V1 demonstration board shows the features of the VNI4140K-32 quad high-side smart-power solid-state relay.The application offers robustness and complies with EMC industrial standards. It implements short-circuit/overload protection and also thermal management, achieving best-in-class MTBF values. The reference design is suitable for use in programmable logic controllers (PLCs) as well as to drive generic loads which require up to 1 A of nominal current (the typical current limitation is 1.1 - 2.6 A). Thanks to the very low RDS(on) (only 80 mΩ typical @ 25 °C per channel) the device allows very low power consumption during operation and for this reason it offers an ideal solution for IP65 / IP67 requirements. The VNI4140K-32 is compliant with IEC 61131-2 (international standard for programmable controllers).

    STEVAL-IFP019V1 Brief.pdf

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