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STEVAL- IHM040V1驱动器演示板

  • TA的每日心情
    2014-7-16 09:10
  • 签到天数: 361 天

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    发表于 2014-3-3 11:28:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    STEVAL- IHM040V1是基于STM32和SLLIMM ™纳米BLDC / PMSM的驱动器演示板。该板可适用115或交流电源的操作,同时230 VAC额定在50/60 Hz或150和350 VDC之间的直流输入电压。该板也是可提供0.5 ARMS连续输出电流的电机。The STEVAL-IHM040V1 is a 3-phase permanent magnet brushless motor driver designed to drive a motor using either the six step or field oriented control (FOC) commutation technique. The board can operate from an AC mains of either 115 or 230 VAC nominal at 50/60 Hz, or from a DC input voltage between 150 and 350 VDC. The board can supply a continuous output current of 0.5 ARMS to the motor.The circuit consists of three main blocks. The first is the digital control block, which uses the STM32F100C8T6 microcontroller to implement the control algorithms and to generate the control signals for the power stage. The main outputs of the control block are the signals for the power stage.The second block is the power stage, a 3-phase inverter bridge implemented using the STGIPN3H60 SLLIMM-nano intelligent power module. The SLLIMM includes the 6 IGBTs, gate drivers and level shift required to interface the logic signals from the digital control to the motor terminals. The SLLIMM also provides a hardware overcurrent shutdown and an op-amp used to scale and bias the current sensing.

    STEVAL-IHM040V1 Data Brief.pdf

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    STEVAL-IHM040V1 Hardware Manual.pdf

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