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    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-3-3 11:18:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    STEVAL-IFP020V1演示板是基于L6370Q的单通道高侧驱动芯片,用于驱动阻性,感性或容性负载。在工业环境中运用较多。它还提供了一个嵌入式的快速退磁功能,感性负载开关关闭。The STEVAL-IFP020V1 demonstration board is based on the L6370Q, a single-channel high-side driver chip intended for driving resistive, inductive or capacitive loads in an industrial environment. It provides an embedded fast demagnetization feature for inductive load switch-off.The device evaluates load disconnection (during channel on-state), output short to VCC or GND, overtemperature, undervoltage of supply voltage, and provides feedback to a control unit.Integrating an extensive set of electrical protections makes the application safe and reliable for use in harsh conditions.The STEVAL-IFP020V1 demonstration board is an example of application design using the L6370Q. It is used to guide the designer in choosing external components for applications while providing an appropriate PCB design.


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    STEVAL-IFP020V1 Brief.pdf

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