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    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-3-3 11:13:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    STEVAL-MKI116V1演示板的目的是提供一种数字MEMS麦克风输出的解码和流的一个演示例子。该STEVAL-MKI116V1演示板承载MP34DB01(底部端口数字麦克风),担任传感器和STM32F107RC微控制器工作作为音频解码器。The purpose of the STEVAL-MKI116V1 demonstration board is to provide an example of the decoding and streaming of digital MEMS microphone outputs.The STEVAL-MKI116V1 demonstration board hosts the MP34DB01 (bottom-port digital microphone), working as a sensor, and the STM32F107RC microcontroller, working as an audio decoder.These microphones are analog-to-digital transducers. They are able to sense sound pressure and convert this signal into a digital signal using the PDM technique.The STM32 microcontroller decodes the PDM signal coming from the microphones and streams the audio via the USB.The STEVAL-MKI116V1 demonstration board is a sound card automatically recognized by the PC as an audio device. Connection is made through a USB cable which also supplies the board and then streams the collected audio.


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