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    发表于 2014-2-28 15:28:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    STEVAL-IFP022V1演示板是基于VNI8200XP高侧驱动器。它是作为一种工具在电源管理和数字接口方面,用来测试设备的功能。The STEVAL-IFP022V1 demonstration board is based on VNI8200XP high-side driver. It was developed as an instrument to test device functionality in terms of power management and digital interface.As required by industrial standards, the board’s isolated interface between the IPS and host controller were implemented using high-speed opto-couplers for IPS driving, and low-speed opto-couplers to receive device status information. The connection is achieved through a 30-pin connector.To provide a user-friendly way to test VNI8200XP device functionality, a GUI interface was developed. To use the GUI it is necessary to connect the STEVAL-IFP022V1 demonstration board to a PC by using a communication board (part number STEVAL-PCC009V2).

    STEVAL-IFP022V1 Data Brief.pdf

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