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    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-2-27 16:35:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    STEVAL-IHT001V1演示板是采用双极型晶体管的完整参考系统的简单经济高效的PFC(功率因数校正)和适用于低功耗tomedium高频镇流器。The STEVAL-IHT001V1 demonstration board is a complete reference system for a simple costeffective PFC (power factor corrector) using bipolar transistors and is intended for low-tomedium power HF ballasts.The proposed bipolar PFC solution targets the low-cost HF ballast market up to 80 W as it provides a simple cost-effective solution without sacrificing THD and PF levels. No additional ICs are required for the PWM signal as the device uses just a power bipolar transistor and a closedloop feedback which performs the duty cycle modulation and output power regulation.The active PFC solution with bipolar transistor adopts the boost topology operating indiscontinuous-conduction mode.

    STEVAL-IHT001V1 Data Brief.pdf

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