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    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-2-27 16:23:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    STEVAL- ISV015V1演示板是太阳能收集器系统,旨在提供USB设备,是基于意法半导体器件SPV1040 (太阳能电压升压转换器)和LD39050 (具有低静态电流和低噪声稳压器) 。该SPV1040是一种高效率,低功耗和低电压单片升压转换器。The STEVAL-ISV015V1 demonstration board is a solar harvester system designed to supply USB devices and is based on the ST devices SPV1040 (solar voltage boost converter) and LD39050 (voltage regulator with low quiescent current and low noise). The SPV1040 is a high efficiency, low power and low voltage monolithic step-upconverter that operates over a 0.3 V to 5 V input voltage range, therefore allowing the use of even a few solar cells in all portable applications where the capability of handling low input voltages is of utmost importance. Despite the variation of several conditions throughout the day (such as irradiation, dirt, temperature, etc.) the SPV1040 allows the achievement of maximum efficiency (90% typ.) in terms of power harvested from the cells and transferred to the output thanks to the embedded MPPT algorithm. The SPV1040 allows the output voltage to be regulated by using an external resistive divider up to 5.2 V, limiting the current supplied to protect the battery and the measuring of input current and voltage to research the maximum power point through a dedicated input pin. Furthermore, the device can be shut off by driving an XSHUT pin to a logic level low, in order to save power when its working mode is not required.

    STEVAL-ISV015V1 Brief.pdf

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