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    2014-7-16 09:10
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    发表于 2014-2-27 15:27:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    STEVAL-IPE010V2演示板(STPMC1电能表演示套件主板)的目的是提供一个评估平台,但它也可以被用来作为一个出发点来设计一个1级米2用三角形或星形服务四线电源线系统。该STPMC1是通过先进的0.35微米BCD6技术实现计量的ASSP。 该STPMS2L是设计成一个构建块单相或多相电表的ASSP。The purpose of the demonstration board is to provide an evaluation platform for the STPMC1 and STPMS2L devices, but it can also be used as a starting point to design a Class 1 meter for 2 to 4-wire power line systems using delta or wye service.The STPMC1 is a metering ASSP implemented through an advanced 0.35 µm BCD6 technology.The STPMS2L is an ASSP designed as a building block for single or multi-phase energy meters.The STEVAL-IPE010V2 board is the motherboard based on the STPMC1 and works in conjunction with up to 5 STEVAL-IPE014V1 daughterboards (to be ordered separately), each with an STPMS2L mounted to sense the voltage and current of each phase

    STEVAL-IPE010V2 Brief.pdf

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